
마음이 선하면서 정신이 강한 사람의 특징 5가지<5 characteristics of a good-hearted person with a strong mind>

숏힐링(Short Healing) 2023. 2. 16. 23:09

<마음이 선하면서 정신이 강한 사람의 특징 5가지>


1.과거는 과거일뿐 현재가 중요하다고 생각한다.
2.상대방에게 진심을 다하지만 감정을 낭비하지 않는다.
3.환경의 변화가 있어도 변화를 두려워하지 않는다.
4.평소에 화를 자주 내지는 않지만 화를 못 내는 것이 아니다.
5.상대를 배려하면서도 자신만의 주관이 뚜렷하다.


<Five characteristics of a good-hearted person with a strong mind>

1.The past is only the past and I think the present is important.
2. You put your heart into the other person, but you don't waste your feelings.
3. Even if there is a change in the environment, I am not afraid of change.
4. Don't get angry often, but it's not that can't get angry.
5. While being considerate of the other person, his or her own subjectivity is clear.


*방문 감사합니다! 도움이 되셨다면 "좋아요(♡)" 클릭 부탁 드려요~
